The Might of Female Bodybuilders

The Strength of Female Bodybuilders

The physiques of female bodybuilders are truly impressive. Looking at them one wonders what is their range of strength. There are many classes of the sport which include open class, fitness, figure, bikini, wellness, and physique. The women fall into different weight classes and vary in muscular size. All of it is bodybuilding, but there are different versions of the aesthetic. Many women compete, which means thousands of athletes appear on stage on a yearly basis. The IFBB is a global sports organization and women do compete in various countries. Getting the average strength level would require measurement and a large enough sample size for experimentation. There are methods that can be used to test strength. Hand grip, weightlifting records, and isokinetic dynamometers are ways of quantifying muscular strength.

What is the average strength of a female bodybuilder?

Getting a large enough sample of lifting statistics can be had to obtain. However there are some that athletes make public. Over time their lifts can change. If training is effective, then there is progression in performance. Multiple factors contribute to how strong a female bodybuilder is. Weight, body size, total type II muscle fiber, and their competition class can determine their strength.

Anthropometric measurements can provide some indication of strength. Body size in relation to biacromial width, bicep, and thigh circumference could be predictors. When it comes to weight, a bigger person can generate more force. this explains why sports have weight classes. Upper and lower body strength must be included in a full measure of absolute strength. The error is to assume larger muscles means more strength. Bodybuilders train specifically for an aesthetic purpose. The goal is not to be the strongest. A weightlifter or powerlifter could probably lift more. However, lifting weights on a consistent basis can make a person strong. Seeing as this is part of a female bodybuilder’s routine, strength gains will happen.

Strength levels can vary among bikini, fitness, physique, figure, wellness, and open class bodybuilding. The larger women could be stronger.

Thus anthropometric measurements will change depending on years of training. Anthropometric measurements vary among individuals and divisions. Women compete in bikini, figure, physique, fitness, wellness, and the open class. The size of the women vary, but there is a distinct difference in muscle size. The bigger ones based on anthropometric statistics could have more strength. Bikini and fitness competitors might have the lowest amount. Wellness could be lightly higher than those classes. The strength scale goes up from figure, physique, and open class women’s bodybuilding having the largest amount of strength.

Observing feats of strength show us just how strong a female bodybuilder could be. When it comes to tug of war, arm wrestling, lifting objects, and wrestling a female bodybuilder demonstrates a significant amount of strength. Some female bodybuilders have the ability to lift people overhead. When some wrestle, they are strong enough to win against untrained men.

Some strength feats of female bodybuilders recorded on video. They can arm wrestle, lift people up, do wrestling matches, and win tug of war.

Wrestling can uses a set of movements. Brute force alone does not win a match. Arm wrestling does require some technique. Tug of war is dependent on friction and other forces. The female bodybuilders who can fireman carry or do an overhead lift are strong. Picking up a person is different than moving a weight. The problem with these strength feats is they do not provide quantification of specific strength levels. Measurement requires unit scales and tools for obtaining amounts.

Hand grip is one method used to measure strength. A more simple technique, but it provides some accuracy. The goal is to be as precise with data. Exercise science experiments have not studied female bodybuilder hand grip strength. The female athlete is normally excluded from sports science investigation. While this has changed it the last few decades, large amounts of data is missing related to female physical capability. Only a few videos show female bodybuilders using a handgrip dynamometer. Hand grip norms tend to vary related to standards. They are divided by age and sex.


  • Ages 20-24: Right 100.4-141. 6 lbs Left 82.7-126.3 lbs
  • Ages 25-29: Right 97.8-143.8 lbs Left 94.3-126.7 lbs
  • Ages 30-34: Right 99.4-144.2 lbs Left 88.7-131.7 l lbs


  • Ages 20-24: Right 55.9-84.9 lbs Left 47.9-74.1 lbs
  • Ages 25-29: Right 60.6-88.4 lbs Left 51.3-75.7 lbs
  • Ages 30-34: Right 59.5-97.9 lbs Left 50.3-85.7 lbs

The sample standard from Livestrong shows a sample of both left and right hand values. The age range is between 20 to 34. Around this time of life hand grip is at it highest level. The men’s value goes above 100 lbs and women’s value is above 55 lbs. Based on video records women bodybuilders could reach into an average male’s grip strength. The problem is that the sample is too small.

A sample of female bodybuilders testing their hand grip strength. A exercise science study has not done an experiment on women bodybuilders and hand grip.

Getting a large enough amount of test subjects would be needed to make a generalization. Then a question arises about values. The right and left hands can produce different levels of force. Taking one value of a single hand would not make sense. The best approach would be to add the values from both hands in a sum. Hand grip studies used to make the mistake of testing juts one hand. Also, there are different types of hand dynamometers. Some brands might be better than others. Certain devices can test a hand at a time or do both at once. Hand grip is not perfect, but gives a basic idea of strength range.

Weight lifting statics provide information about female bodybuilder’s strength. Desiree Ellis was able to do a flat bench press of 225 lbs and squat 315 lbs. At one point she did leg press 900 lbs and do lat pull downs of 225 lbs. Her barbell curls were 135 lbs and she could shoulder press 145 lbs. Dawn Riehl’s statistics were also impressive. She was able to bench press 315 lbs, deadlift 405 lbs, and leg press 990 lbs. Christy Resendes can bench 205 lbs and parallel squats 405 lbs . Kristy Hawkins was strong as a bodybuilder, but has become even more so in power lifting. Her bench press is 341.7 pounds and her is squat 578 lbs. Her deadlift is a total of 611.7 lbs. Kristy has set records. More examples exist of female bodybuilders having incredible lifting statistics.

All the weightlifting data might not be up to date. Bodybuilders are focused on sculpting a physique, rather than becoming stronger. That does not mean bodybuilders are not strong.

Female bodybuilders might not keep an exact account of their lifting statistics. The focus is on the amount of muscle mass, shape, conditioning, and symmetry developed. Compared to hand grip data, more weightlifting statistics are available for female bodybuilders. Athletes do some record keeping as a means of monitoring progress.

Weight and muscle fiber type contribute to strength. A female bodybuilder’s weight could range anywhere from 110 to 165 lbs. Weigh classes exist that include lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight. Depending on the federation an athlete competes for, that range can differ. The light heavyweight class for example includes women around 125 lbs to 140 lbs. Heavyweights are above 140 lbs. Middleweights can be around a 115 to 125 lbs range. Weight can indicate the potential for more strength, but do not be so easily convinced. Yaz Boyum competed at 116 lbs. The lightweight athlete could bench press 225 lbs and squat 300 lbs. Some women are strong for their size.

Type II muscle fiber can handle more maximum loading. These types include IIa and IIb. There limitation is that this muscle fiber fatigues faster.

When it comes to figuring out body composition, there are a few methods. Muscle biopsy can help figure out which type of muscle fiber exists in the body. A faster and non-evasive method would be to use a skin fold caliper. The device measures the percentage of body fat. Knowing that can help determine what percent is muscle. The female bodybuilders with the most type II muscle fiber will be the strongest. If most of their body weight contains it they should be able to lift a considerable amount. This will differ among individual women and the divisions they compete in.

The data available related to female bodybuilders comes from their own weightlifting records and hand grip measure. An actual experiment from sports science journal has not been done. That means information has to be put together to reach a conclusion. The issue with this is that the answer extrapolated may not be the most precise. Based on what is known, a female bodybuilder’s strength is much higher than average women. Female bodybuilders would most likely have strength equal or slightly higher to untrained men. There are female bodybuilders can lift large amounts of weight. Their strength surpasses many average men and most people. According to Fitnessvolt Iris Kyle is capable of benching 375lbs. The current Ms. Olympia Andrea Shaw best lift was 200 lbs in bench press . Andrulla Blanchette was able to leg press 1100 lbs and do 100 lbs dumbell press. Based on these statistics women bodybuilders could fall on an elite level of a weightlifting strength standard chart. They could reach an intermediate male level depending on weight class. If one were to guess, the average female bodybuilder could bench press 130 lbs or more and leg press beyond 150 lbs. Hand grip strength could range between 50 lbs to 100 lbs. The ranges presented are more so estimates taken from available records. What can be declared with certainty is that female bodybuilders possess a large portion of physical might.

One thought on “The Might of Female Bodybuilders

  1. A very interesting and in depth article. It laways make me laugh when it is suggested that a female bodybuilders muscles are “just for show”(a remark that is never said about maler bodybuilders). I have seen some female bodybuilders training, and there muscles were very definately not for show as they lifted as much weight as some guys and sometimes even greater weights and i have also stepped onto the judo mat with one lady who overpowered me with her brute strength despite never never setting foot on the mat before. Let’s give these women the credit they deserve.

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