Themes in Fitness Photography

When looking at images on websites, social media, or magazines there are themes in photography. These appear too often to be a coincidence. The influences come from various elements of literature, myth, entertainment and popular culture. The standard gym setting photos are mostly for advertisements or other marketing related activities. Other themes in fitness photography stem from other sources. The jungle girl or jungle man theme stems from Tarzan and Sheena Queen of The Jungle. The references to Greek mythology and characters is also a major aspect of fitness photography. Hercules, Nike, and Athena are just a few of many characters that are included or alluded to in fitness photography. Fantasy also as a genre can be seen in the photos. Conan the Barbarian or Red Sonja are longtime character associated with that genre. Athletes do wear the fantasy like clothing for a photo shoot. At first glance, an observer may not get why these themes appear constantly or their significance. Human civilization has a history of story telling and myths. That continues in all forms of media. Just like a painting, drawing, or sculpture a photograph also conveys a story.

The jungle girl and jungle man theme originates from Tarzan Sheena Queen of the Jungle. The theme stems from a trope and archetype seen in various media. Tarzan and Sheena are the most recognizable characters related to this archetype . Tarzan was a creation of Edgar Rice Burroughs. The character first appeared in the pulp magazine The All-Story in 1912. Tarzan of the Apes took the serialized stories and it was made into a novel in 1914. Sheena Queen of the Jungle appeared in comic books beginning in 1938. Will Eisner and Jerry Iger were the creators. The character might have gotten inspiration from the novel Green Mansions (1904) by William Henry Hudson. The novel has a jungle girl named Rima. It is uncertain that Iger or Eisner read the book.

The Sheena and Tarzan theme

Tarzan and Sheena have appeared outside their original mediums. Fitness photography makes reference to them with Leopard style clothing. Most TV, film, or art related depictions show the characters wearing this. The reason they are referenced has to do with fitness itself. Tarzan and Sheena are shown to be strong. Being raised in the wild all their lives made them tough and able to survive under rugged conditions. This ties also to a theme that connecting with nature improves fitness. A theory was proposed that civilization made humanity too soft. Connecting with nature makes a person tougher. Some of these ideas were presented in Tarzan stories, which implied favoring eugenics. It was no secret that Burroughs himself was a supporter of eugenics and racially prejudiced ideas. The fitness photography theme does not advocate those convictions, rather they are making reference to the jungle man and jungle girl archetype .

The references to Greek mythology are prevalent. The connection is related to ancient Greek appreciation for athletics and the human form. Greek mythology has Amazons, Gods, and various heroes. Hercules and his nine labors were retold. Penthesilea was the warrior queen of the Amazons who fought in the Trojan War. Goddesses were common in Greek mythology. Artemis, Atlanta, and Athena are a few examples of female deities in Greek civilization. Modern fitness photography makes reference to these myths and ancient civilizations. Sparta the most militaristic of the Greek city states made it a priority to have a physically fit population. The ancient Olympics can be traced back to 776 B.C.E. The ancient games lasted to about 393 C.E. Although women could not compete in the Olympics and not attend they had a competition of their own. The Heraean Games were for female athletes only.

Consider modern fitness photography that has athletes wearing armor and clothing of the period. Athletes pose with columns. Columns such as ionic, Corinthian, and Tuscan were used on various ancient Greek buildings. Looking at modern fitness photos these structures of ancient architecture are used in backgrounds. The ancient Greeks in their artwork demonstrated an appreciation for the athletic body. The connection with this theme makes sense to fitness photography.

The fantasy genre has influenced fitness photography. Athletes dress as some sword and sorcery characters. Red Sonja is a comic book character that first appeared in 1973. The character was created for Marvel Comics by Barry Windsor-Smith and Roy Thomas. Red Sonja fights in bikini armor. The connection here is that female bodybuilders replicate that image of warrior woman common in the fantasy genre. Bill dobbins has produced photos that make reference to the warrior women of sword and sorcery. Before the modern action hero, there were prototypes in pulp fiction magazines and comics.

Conan the Barbarian was a character that appeared in Weird Tales magazine. Robert E. Howard introduced the public to Conan in 1932. Since then, Conan the barbarian has appeared in films, TV, and video games. One of the most notable versions of the character is the 1982 film staring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both Conan and Red Sonja have a connection. Sonja was inspired by Red Sonya from Robert E. Howard’s short story “The Shadow of the Vulture.” The chainmail bikini clad architype from fantasy is worked into fitness photography. The world of fantasy has made its mark on fitness photography. The women certainty look the part of woman warrior in various pictures.

The gym theme is more about promoting a product or advertisement. Photography has an extensive commercial application. Using a fitness model or any other athlete to promote a product can be helpful to business. Posing with exercise equipment or a supplement is a means of showing the value of a product. The intention of this is not about the artistic aspect of photography. It is applied use for business promotion. That does not mean the pictures are not going to be high quality. The objective is to make the athlete look good and highlight what is being sold.

The other application for gym themed photos is for stock purposes. Stock images can be used for various websites or printed materials. Having the ability to purchase such images makes it easier on the publisher. The public likes visuals. Magazines and newspapers need them. Digital media requires photography. The majority of social media platforms are photography reliant. The emphasis is about marketing, rather than art.

Photography can be classified as an art form. This relates to another them in fitness photography that embraces that. The artistic themed photos are more about honoring the traditions of sculpture and painting. The settings could be on the beach, forest, or some place in nature. The image could be making a reference to artwork. Bev Francis posed in a picture for Bill Dobbins making reference to The Thinker. Auguste Rodin was a pioneer in modern sculpture and The Thinker has become iconic. The prevalence of bodybuilders imitating poses from sculpture can be seen in various publications. Some consider the sport both an athletic contest and art form. The athlete is using the flesh as clay to build a structure.

Athletes appearing on beaches in pictures makes sense. Swimwear is what they compete in. A photograph can make an observer feel a certain way. The photographer is either trying to convey a message or emotion. The beach setting gives the impression of relaxation and fun. The nature based settings add to the aesthetic. The focus goes beyond just the athlete, but the environment they are shown in. Trees, vegetation, mountains, rivers, or lakes can add so much more to a photograph. Light and shadow can also change the dynamic. Color can also impact the visual quality of a photo. Professional photographers are more than just people with cameras . They are people with an astute sense of visual representation. Often viewers of photographs might forget this, because images are so common. Prior to cameras painting or engraving was the only way to have an image. Cameras took art in a new direction. Fitness photography does utilize certain elements of art theory in producing pictures.

Fitness photography can make reference to sports history, mythology, and popular culture. The themes extend beyond juts gym or fitness related subjects. Allusions to literature and art can be seen. Seeing as bodybuilding is a sport about image photography is its natural companion. Fans collect photos of their favorite athletes and there are sites devoted entirely to competition pictures. Athletes that run their own websites provide users with images. Even when it is the same athlete, all the images are different. Once more, the common themes appear. Observers might not understand all the references to other source material. Fitness photography enables fans to enjoy an athlete’s physique without going to a contest. Before the internet one would have to wait for print publications or go there and take pictures themselves. The technology has change and the easy access to images has become prevalent. What remains consistent is the themes in fitness photography. There could be new themes that emerge. Yet, it is hard to predict what will be the direction of fitness photography’s evolution.

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